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our video conferencing solutions

Video conferencing is the new kid on the block. There is no doubt about it, this technology is here to stay and this pandemic that is sweeping the globe will change the way in which we do business.

There are lots of options but you must be aware of the security floors that exist in some of these free (and very popular) platforms. The key to delivering a good video conferencing solution is simplicity. If your platform is easy to use and ‘conferences’ or calls can be set up quickly and easily, the take up is going to be high. However, it’s the ‘ease of use’ that makes some of these options easy to ‘bomb’ open calls. You also need to be aware about what the privacy policies are associated with these companies. If there is a chance that your personal data can be distributed or accessed, you need to consider carefully what the implications of that will be.

Is video conferencing secure? Cyber crime is rife and phony video accounts are everywhere. There will be video-themed malware already being developed.

What is the answer?

You will find and use a secure video solution which has a flawless security track record.

Look no further. If you’re reading this blog, you’ve already found it. And what’s more, it’s also ridiculously easy to create a video call and utilise the functionality it provides; instant chat, screen share and quick and easy document exchange.

Our web-based video conferencing software is called Wildix.

And not only does it provide you with the video solution your business is craving, it’s a long-term solution that will also cater for all of your businesses’ telephony requirements.

How video conferencing works...
Users can access the video conferencing system from anywhere on any device; all you need is an internet connection. And from a voice perspective, you don’t even need that as the mobile app works perfectly well using 4G (which ticks the disaster recovery box too).

And finally, it’s not even that expensive. You pay per user per month but only based on the technology that each user needs.

We can provide a full remote ‘online’ experience to showcase the solution and you don’t need to lift a finger. Well, that’s not strictly true and you’ll have one or two buttons to press.