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will video conferencing replace travel?

If there is one thing that we can take away from this pandemic, it’s the fact that video can replace travel. The business travel consultants amongst us (you know, the ones that arrange the flights and the hotels for their corporate clients) probably want to look away now.

Up until March, most businesses would automatically assume that a ‘face to face’ meeting was required. It was the norm. But now, the climate we work in has arguably, changed forever. Covid-19 has introduced a technology that has widely been available for years. We’ve just chosen to largely ignore it. I’m of course talking about video collaboration. We now have the ability to unify all communication by utilising video-led platforms.

Video conferencing for so many years has been a dirty word. Not anymore. It’s become a necessity. We are encouraging our clients to consider and adopt this cloud-based video technology. We can utilise one platform to talk, video conference and collaborate with our clients. It is saving money (free video calls), it is saving time (simply click and connect) and it is saving the environment (I can do it from my laptop).

Convergence have a video conferencing solution that works for all businesses, all shapes and sizes. It’s secure, it’s easy and it’s cost effective. And what’s more, you can combine it with all telephony needs as a business. That’s what makes it unique and in our eyes, a better solution that just a collaboration video tool (you know what platform I’m referring to).

We think business travel in general, will be a thing of the past. We’ve adapted and we’re now working smarter then ever. Don’t let that be a short-term mindset. Think long-term and think video.